Friday, July 24, 2015

China's 'eye of the storm' rally for the S&P500 ends?

S&P500 Daily Chart @ Close 07/23/2015
Monday's Indecisive Day suggestive that the post- China 'crisis' Rally has perhaps run its course?
Any further 'cracks' in China's 'band- aids don't fix bullet holes' response so far & equity markets globally remain highly sensitive (attendant Downside Risk) to Sino machinations.
Commodity markets are NOT waiting for such as they continue to exhibit 'it's over' symptoms in their price erosion.
Caveat Emptor.

Friday, July 10, 2015

CHINA concerns to the fore as the inevitable unravels?

SSEC Daily Chart @ Close 07/09/2015
Chinese delusions of 'fixing' matters economic via Equity Market 'fixes' always @ Risk of coming unstuck in spectacular style (think Mastiff dog fads & fetishes a few years back).
Where to now?
200day SMA has coincided with emergency measures to stem the tide of Selling (or 'Collapse'; as there is NO Selling allowed).........Lower remains THE Risk.