Tuesday, March 25, 2014

NDX100 suffers as the Bio- Tech Sector comes 'unglued'.

$BTK Daily Chart @ Close 03/24/2014
Large losses continue for the BioTech Sector: that impacting the NDX100 as well.
Should we care?
Depends; especially of you've been along for the 'ride' of 200% enjoyed over the last 2 years or so?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

COPPER leads the 'dance' lower; will 'they' follow?

COPPER Daily Chart @ Close 03/12/2014
Copper has done what it inevitably was going to 'do'; break below $2.99.
Ideally it stays below $3.03 before setting new lows for this move. Longer Term; Long Term Averages are there to be 'plumbed' as 'there's nothing ever new under the sun' returns in style; even though NOT for the Commodity Exporters!
Above $3.11 negates the 'bearish' spin witnessed so far.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Highs 'form' & take time; this potential one no different?

GE/ S&P500 Comparison: Weekly Charts @ Close 02/28/14
Where goes the US Economy; GE is never far behind.
Or is the opposite true?
Time will tell as GE 'fail's to confirm the new highs in the benchmark.